As knowledge and practice of sports nutrition become increasingly sophisticated, there is new appreciation of the fact that basketball players, runners, gymnasts—all athletes—have different nutritional needs. Practical Sports Nutrition is the first text to provide detailed, sport-specific advice enabling you to approach individual athletes and teams with an understanding of their sport and unique nutritional needs.
Unlike other texts on the subject that get caught up with chemistry and science, this book provides information that is applied, practical, and useful. Nutrition expert Louise Burke engages readers with her easy writing style, and she explores a variety of popular sports—road cycling, swimming, sprinting, long-distance running, and many others. Each chapter offers a comprehensive review of competition, training, physique and physiology, lifestyle and culture, dietary surveys, sports foods and supplements—all tailored to the specific sport. Also included are discussions of issues and challenges arising in each sport that provide useful examples of how to successfully tackle sport-specific problems.
Athletes want to know that the person advising them understands their specific needs. With Practical Sports Nutrition, you will learn how to translate the latest ideas on nutrition into tailored recommendations on what athletes should eat before and after practices and competitions. More important, you will learn why those exact foods are beneficial to the athlete. Specific research cited in more than 200 pages of tables backs up the advice given on nutrition, food, supplements, and other topics, so you can feel confident the information is up to date and applicable in the real world.
Practical Sports Nutrition includes the following features:
• Chapters organized around specific sport categories
• Special elements that provide in-the-trenches insight and help you synthesize both practical issues and emerging research topics
• Chapter appendix that includes up-to-date and comprehensive meta-analysis tables for quick comparisons of key research studies
There is no better one-stop guide for dietitians, nutritionists, exercise physiologists, or anyone who needs to know where and how principles of sports nutrition apply to the training and competition of athletes. Not only will you gain a thorough grasp of the specialized nutrition information needed in various sports and exercise activities, but you will also be able to give recommendations with confidence.
Chapter 1. An Overview of the Principles of Sports Nutrition
Chapter 2. Approaching a Sport and its Nutrition Issues
Chapter 3. Sport Foods and Supplements
Chapter 4. Road Cycling and Triathlons
Chapter 5. Middle and Long Distance Running
Chapter 6. Swimming and Rowing
Chapter 7. Sprinting and Jumping
Chapter 8. Field Sports
Chapter 9. Court and Indoor Sports
Chapter 10. Racquet Sports
Chapter 11. Strength and Power Sports
Chapter 12. Weight-Making Sports
Chapter 13. Gymnastics
Chapter 14. Nutrition for Winter Sports
“This book provides detailed information about nutrition issues that all athletes face and how to deal with these issues to achieve one's sports nutrition goals for optimal performance. The sound nutritional advice is backed up by a comprehensive review of the literature.”
–Doody’s Book Review Service